I think the default setting on cell phones should be vibrate.
My roommate since day one has been pissing me off with his cell phone. I don't whether he is lying to me or not but his stupid phone is a literal loudspeaker. Supposedly, his phone is on the quietest volume but I would have to yell over it for him to hear me. It's insane. And I don't like his stupid music to begin with, so why do I want to hear a 2 second clip of it every time he gets a text or a phone call? Why would I want to hear it at an ear-shattering for a solid 10 seconds at 9 in the morning? I wouldn't. I don't.
The best part is when he gets up to shower in the morning and leaves his phone on his bed. Then his stupid friends start texting him at 9:15 sharp and he's not there to shut his stupid phone off. I want to throw it across the room...
Point is, I think the default setting on phones should be vibrate and should be able to only be able to ring depending on their relative distance from their owner. For guys, we have our phones in our pockets. No reason to have them on ringer. For girls, phones might be in your purse so I can understand a ringer. If you have your cell phone in your purse on a loud subway train, you might need a louder ringer. So the ringer turns on and gets louder in direct proportion to the relative distance from the owner and ambient noise up to a certain point, like if said owner leaves the room.
Because we must also assume that we LIKE the music of the ringtone of the idiot who ALWAYS has to have his phone on. I think he should have to ask people standing around him whether this song is okay. If it's not, you can't play it.
It's just public courtesy.
OH and don't get me started on people standing in line on their cell phones.
awwww. i'm sorry :(