Thursday, June 14, 2012


It's blogging about blogging--the Inception of blogging.

What I don't get is Tumblr. I haven't seen a single one with a coherent thought. It just seems like a place to post .gifs like a glorified Facebook status. I don't think anyone uses blogspot, though. It seems to either be the hipster site (because it's vintage) or the MySpace of blogging. Who knows. Anyways.

I've been trying to figure out for the longest time what this thing exactly is. Is it a public diary where I share extended versions of random thoughts or is it the beginning of my collection of philosophical works? I don't know. Only a few of my philosophies have hit and sort of praise though most of my writing seems to at least entertain. I figure at the very least if I can manage to make it a habit to write in this thing daily (an endeavor which has failed miserably at this point) then perhaps that can be the launching point to writing something more substantial at the same time. And if for whatever reason these thoughts reach an audience then so much the better. Right? 

I need to find a better name for my blog. Something clever but something concisely descriptive of what it does. 

My I always wonder how people get famous for blogging. I read some of these and none of them are particularly enlightening or contributing anything of any substance to the great mar of the internet. I'm living proof that any idiot with a keyboard can write some words down. 

I think we're all just really bored and for whatever reason some clown gets more followers than others. Luck? Who knows. 

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