Thursday, June 14, 2012


It's blogging about blogging--the Inception of blogging.

What I don't get is Tumblr. I haven't seen a single one with a coherent thought. It just seems like a place to post .gifs like a glorified Facebook status. I don't think anyone uses blogspot, though. It seems to either be the hipster site (because it's vintage) or the MySpace of blogging. Who knows. Anyways.

I've been trying to figure out for the longest time what this thing exactly is. Is it a public diary where I share extended versions of random thoughts or is it the beginning of my collection of philosophical works? I don't know. Only a few of my philosophies have hit and sort of praise though most of my writing seems to at least entertain. I figure at the very least if I can manage to make it a habit to write in this thing daily (an endeavor which has failed miserably at this point) then perhaps that can be the launching point to writing something more substantial at the same time. And if for whatever reason these thoughts reach an audience then so much the better. Right? 

I need to find a better name for my blog. Something clever but something concisely descriptive of what it does. 

My I always wonder how people get famous for blogging. I read some of these and none of them are particularly enlightening or contributing anything of any substance to the great mar of the internet. I'm living proof that any idiot with a keyboard can write some words down. 

I think we're all just really bored and for whatever reason some clown gets more followers than others. Luck? Who knows. 

An update for the masses

No, I have no idea what I'm doing with my philosophy degree so please stop asking.

In other news...

I have indeed graduated from college. Woo. When I think about it though, I haven't really graduated since I'm here 5 out of 7 days of the week or roughly 20% of my life depending on how you want to look at it. Considering I should be spending about 33% of my life sleeping, that's a lot of work. Lately it's been farther from 33% than I'd like. Anyways.

Nearly four weeks from walking across the stage and I feel like I haven't had much time to do anything. Chalk that up to spending a week in technology limbo where I had no computer, internet, or Playstation. It's real hard to get writing done without a computer. I tried reading but for some reason I think I've developed ADD. More to come on that.

I want to finish my book but I've been filming this movie with some friends. It's a feature-length called the Blame Game and it's a dramedy- (drama + comedy) mystery-type thing that I think people are hopefully going to get a kick out of. Though what with having to pay the rent and all I still have to work so I'm up at 730 to drive 35+ minutes to shoot a movie for 6 hours and then drive 45+ minutes to work for 6 hours. Suffice it to say it's a long day and my paycheck will be disturbingly light this pay period but hey... at least I can say that I did it.

I'd also like to say that I've finished a book. Working on that. Right now my zombie horror is on the front line of what's to get done but my crime drama is next. Again, the ADD is killing me.

I'm quite satisfied with life though. I just wish I had more time to sleep (or maybe that's my current sleepiness talking).

More to come.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tech stuff (because I'm cool)

So I realize I haven't done a post in forever--especially not a significant one. I thought that things would be different after graduation; that I would have all this time to do stuff like read and write. I guess I do have that time, I just haven't had the motivation or whatever. I think I'm still stuck on main problem about what to write. I still don't even know what this blog is. Anyways, I was on this website that gives a bunch of random blog post ideas and I thought I would try to write one. We'll see how this goes.

10 Gadgets I use on a daily basis

1) My computer

2.5gb of graphics RAM with an NVIDIA GeForce 570 chipset sitting next to an Intel 3rd generation i5 processor with overclock capacity and 16 gb of RAM means I've got a gaming machine for the gods. At least, the Gods on a budget. Every game I own runs beautifully and smoothly which is all I've ever honestly wanted. But most importantly it replaced my laptop which served me diligently for 4 years pumping out papers and LAN gaming and such like that. It was a faithful companion but alas, I now have upgraded to desktop computing. This machine will hopefully help me land a job and write my book, but if not, it will at least help me play games in stunning HD.

2) My phone--Gotta stay connected. For years I had dealt with terrible free phones from Verizon that barely passed the requirements of being phones. Sure, they made calls but other than that they were useless. At the dawn of smartphones my phones really weren't too bad but then all of a sudden the capabilities of everyone else's devices eclipsed mine and I was left in the technological dust. Now I have an iPhone and couldn't be happier.

3) My iPod--I'm separating my iPod from my iPhone though they are now the same device because for years I had an iPod that served faithfully as my companion and friend. It housed my music which is incredibly important to me and to this day (despite being reduced to a mere app on my phone) provides me with my favorite songs and lays down the soundtrack to my day.

4) My car? Is my car a gadget? I don't think so but without it I would be done for.

5) Who can honestly think of ten things they use on a daily basis that doesn't include their refrigerator and a lamp? This cookie-cutter blog crap is stupid and I'm not doing it again. I need to start writing and I think once being out of school really hits me I'll get myself in gear and actually do something worth while. Who knows. It'll be good. I think.