Sunday, January 2, 2011

End of Semester, the year 2010, and life as we know it.

So... you would think that it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to just sign in a drop a few quick thoughts onto this thing--what with all the free time I have. But alas... unlike the moderately well-thought-out philosophy-based posts I seem to type up every now and then, these improvised at-this-point-in-my-life posts are much more time and effort consuming. At least, that's what I tell myself.

That said, I'm obviously a little behind on things. The Fall 2010 semester ended, for me, on December 20th and the year 2010 ended for me and everyone else on December 31st. It's not the 2nd of January and one might ask, "Dylan, what exactly are your thoughts on things?" Well, to be fair, I don't think anyone would ask my thoughts on those things. But isn't that what this is for?

Anyway, the Fall 2010 semester for me had been quite possibly the best semester ever, as far as semesters have gone. I've tried my hardest to step out of my shell and talk and hang out with people instead of just staying in my room all the time (as I had done in the past). Overall, it's been a successful endeavor. Turns out that the best way to have new experiences and opportunities is to go out and seek them. Whodathunkit? So yeah. Uhh... but definitely good.

Of course, there was downs to go along with the ups but i think that really just puts in perspective. I know there are things that I hope for for 2011 and things that I want for 2012 but we'll just have to take it a day at a time. I'm very much looking forward to May but not because I'll have to be working/finishing my Junior year.

I think I started this with the intention of having something really long, thought out, and thought-provoking. It's just not turning out that way and I'm feeling kinda lazy (I told you it was energy-consuming)... so... Happy Belated New Year. May all your wishes come true... or whatever.


  1. Or whatever? Psh.

    Glad your semesters are getting better and now you know how to do it for future ones! Best of luck and may all your wishes come true...or whatever come true....or whatever your wishes are...or whatever in general lol I'm done. ;)

  2. Oh, and with your title, I hope that life as we know it isn't going to end soon.
