Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On Humans

So I may be beating the proverbial dead horse with this one, but I've been wondering a lot why we are here on this earth. Well... Not so much wondering but more like relating. I mean if you think about it, with all the stars in the universe that are like ours (that is, ample size and brightness to sustain life), statistically speaking there are many planets like ours that are capable of sustaining life.

If you think about it, there are many chances that there is life on those planets. But what are the chances of civilizations of thinking, developing, and rational life? Out of all the species that have ever existed, Homo sapiens and their relatives are the only ones who have developed tools, grown, and established relationships and civilizations. We think and reason. We ask questions and learn.

We are the only thing we know of that contemplates the meaning of its own existence. The only living thing that will voluntarily break from its routine to ask itself why it does what it does. We re-evaluate ourselves and even move around to accommodate.

Out of the entire universe, is it possible that there are things that exist that ask themselves what their life is all about? That engage in discussions about the nature of the universe?

To clarify, I think my main question is why us? Why things that look like us? Why does it seem more than coincidental that beings that look like us have the powers of reason and thought. Why not things that look like dogs or cats or cows or lions? Why did they not ever develop the ability to reason? Surely if a lion could plan and think more than they already can, we would be done for. Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me like there is very few reasons why it was our ancestors that caused us to be what we are today. Just seems like everything is following a plan. If what gives us these abilities is our mind (and existentially and espistemologically speaking, that is all we can deduce exists) then why cant our minds have existed in something else? Why is it this upright, two-legged thing can reason, think, and learn when something with better senses, four legs, and a big set of sharp teeth is stuck in a cage in a zoo?

It can't just be our thumbs...

I know WHY we are here, but I am consistently amazed with the sheer idea of it.

I know that we are here because of a plan much greater than we can fully understand.